Tuesday, January 8, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: January 9, 2013

Focus: What does the opening scene of "The Scottish Play" reveal to us?

1. Warm-up: Is it concrete or abstract?  Recapping last night's grammar teaser on nouns by exploring this slideshow on bizarre baseball superstitions

2. Interpreting the three versions of Macbeth's opening scene:

•Describe the three witches’ physical appearance in each film.
•Describe the setting of each film; what effects does the setting have on the tone (the emotional undertone) of the film?
•What do you think is happening in this scene?
•Why do you think Shakespeare chose to start his play with a scene like this?  What was he trying to establish?
3. Reading 1.1 together with questions and interpretations
4. Revisiting today's opening question on the blog, if time
HW: Please finish responding to the focus question on the blog if you did not finish in class; complete grammar teasers 3 and 4 by tomorrow; also, BRING STICKY NOTES TO CLASS.


  1. The opening of Macbeth reveals to us that Macbeth was a general in a war. He is going to be visited by the witches and may or may not be cursed. There is also a lot of paradoxes that make you stop and pay attention and makes you wonder what they are doing and how they go about their business.

  2. The opening scene of Macbeth reveal a dark story ahead. It talks about death and murder. It leads you to confusion because not everything is as it seems. These witches must be a critical part of the play because they opened it.

  3. The opening scene of Macbeth reveals that this is going to be a dark movie. The witches cast some sort of spell and even though Macbeth doesn't enter the play until later his name is already mentioned. Is it bad luck to say his name in the movie? From the gruesome images we have seen I can tell this will be a movie full of bloodshed.

  4. @KLeclaire
    During the film i felt like the opening scene of the Scottish play was hinting towards the wickedness and darkness of this play. There was great foreshadowing to the idea of death and despair when the scene of the witches burying the arm and dagger along with the noose. Also the witches hinted towards curses and dark magic when they spoke the few lines that they did.
    -Matt Myers.

  5. the play Macbeth reviles that the Man Macbeth is a man that is going to be cursed or very disliked and it also shows how this play may be very dark and gory. It also may show how there might be strange characters in the play by starting it off with very creepy and strange witches meeting which may lead to something latter on

  6. Opening scene of "The Scottish Play" reveal to us clues that might happen throughout the play. Like having the dagger in the hand and saying Macbeth at the end would means something bad is going to happen.

  7. The opening scene is a very important scene. It reveals the name of the main character by using the creepy witches that can foreshadow what can happen. This also reveals how this isn't going to be a light book.

  8. The opening scene of "The Scottish Play" reveals to us that the play is going to be a very sad and dark story. This is portrayed because of the blood, the dagger, the curse, and the cutoff arm. Judging the opening scene its shows it will have a sad ending.

  9. The opening of "The Scottish Play" shows us that this play/book/movie will not be filled of happiness and laughter but instead be filled with gloomy weather and violence. I think they show this very well by how the setting is portrayed as a very dark day and when the witches perform some kind of superstitious ritual which includes an arm,blood and a knife and no romantic comedy starts out with that sort of intro.

  10. First the main character is going to die at the end because the play titile is a name which means the main character dies because it is a tragedy. Also the objects that were put in the hole were all things that represented pain and death.

  11. The opening scene of Macbeth reveals that this is going to be a very dark and depressing story. Not only do the witches and the objects representing death, such as the bloody arm, introduce us to our theme, but the dark and gloomy setting also reveal that this will be a depressing story. This opening scene also portrays that the witches feel hatred towards a man named Macbeth, and he will be part of a conflict throughout the story.

  12. The opening scene of Macbeth tells that it is going to be a dark and eerie story. This can be shown both through the text and the films that we watched. In the movies they start of either in a very dark or a very dirty place. Also in one of the versions the witches have some dark things that show death. The have an arm, a knife, a noose, and some blood. I the text it is shown because of the witches seeming to be trying to put a spell on someone or something.

  13. The opening scene of Macbeth reveals several different things to the reader, or audience. Of these different things one includes the fact that Macbeth is a general, and his war is soon to come to an end. While watching the movies one could not hope but to notice that witches were often dressed in rags and where very dirty. They also spoke of a meeting that would tae place in the near future.

  14. The opening scene of "The Scotish Play" reveals to the reader or audience a few things about the play. It shows immediately that the play is dark and evil. The opening scene puts the viewer in a certain mood that may be preparing for the tragic events to come. It also reveals the lifestyle of the characters and the events they endure. They live in a world where a man could be hung and have his arm cut off, shown by the scene on the beach.

  15. The opening scene in Macbeth immediately shows the audience that it will be a evil and dark play. Also in the few words that are spoken they mention lord Macbeth and his war. The witches say that they will meet again when the war is over. Also it seems that the witches are performing a ritual/spell casting.

  16. The opening scene shows us that the play is set to be bloody creepy and ominous.And the scene that we watched show that it will be dark and full of death.

  17. The opening scene of Macbeth reveals a dark and grim play. Also, the witches add confusion because we do not know why they bury those gruesome objects and limbs. They help add a sense of evil and a murderous plot. All of the actions and descriptions show how odious the play will be.

  18. The opening scene of Macbeth reveals to us that there is a lot of weirdness and death to come later in the story. It also reveals that Macbeth was a war general. It sets us up for all the creepy and weird things this story has to come.

  19. The opening scene of Macbeth shows that the whole play is going to be dark, grim, and violent. The three witches are burying weird things like a hand and the are doing some sort of ritual. The witches also mentioned Macbeth's name and how they will meet again.

  20. The opening scene of Macbeth shows the audience how dark and gruesome this movie may be. In the best film the one by Roman Polanski it takes place at a very spooky time of the day. I would guess that the rest of the movie will mostly take place around the same time. The witches bury a hand into the ground and this may show how there is going to be a lot of violence in the story.

  21. The opening scene to The play that shall not be named reveals a lot. It is somewhat confusing, however the scene shows how 3 witches have a prophecy for the War hero Macbeth. It sets a tone of things to come very well too.

  22. The opening scene of "The Scottish Play" reveals that the story of Macbeth is very complex. The story opens on three strange witches predicting something that will happen, but all that can be inferred is that it has something to do with Macbeth. This is mostly supported by the contradictions Shakespeare uses in the opening scene alone. The opening scene also shows that it is a strange story, and that it will be filled with a lot of supernatural and strange things, like the witches.

  23. The opening scene of Macbeth reveals to the audience that the play is going to be a dark one full of evil curses and dark happenings. It instantly shows you the nature of the play, letting you know that it is not a comedy. Rather it is a tragedy. From the opening scene, I predict that Macbeth's life will be drastically changed by the witches and that is what the story will be about.

  24. I think the opening scene of the book reveals a lot of dark creepy things. Alot of death and crazy people that will atack at any point in time to get what they want.

  25. I think that in the first scene of Macbeth reveals a prophecy of Gen. Macbeth. Also when the witches say the war will be lost and won. Which to me means that although Macbeth has brought victory there will still be loss in the near future for Macbeth.

  26. In the first scene, i think the whole book is prophosized by the three witches. from their rant about Macbeth becoming king, murder and so much more. if i were to guess i would say that the book will follow most of what is and has been said by these witches.

  27. In the first scene, i think the whole book is prophosized by the three witches. from their rant about Macbeth becoming king, murder and so much more. if i were to guess i would say that the book will follow most of what is and has been said by these witches.

  28. The opening scene of macbeth shows us that 3 witches are making plans to curse macbeth or did curse macbeth. They called upon the cat and frog which are demons in disguise. The witches do not plan any thing good and only plan to do bad. We do not yet know the curse or what it will be but can assume that there will be one at sometime and it will affect macbeth in bad ways. It may make him turn bad or do something bad. It also shows the witches may not be able to be trusted.
