Thursday, May 16, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: May 17, 2013

Focus: Presenting our mockumentaries!

1. A few final thoughts:

  • Keep it on the quiet side...tests could be happening on the other side of the wall.
  • No work will be accepted after class on Monday.
  • Final grades for this class will be posted Tuesday by noon (and an 89.4% = B+).
  • Watch each other's mockumentaries respectfully, and enjoy!

2. Setting up the presentation order (this will be done randomly)

3. Presenting our mockumentaries!

See you during the 1st hour MWF finals period on Monday (7:15-8:46 am).

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: May 16, 2013

Focus: Performing final edits on your mockumentary film

1. Warm-up: Reminders about today and tomorrow:

  • Mockumentaries are due tomorrow. No exceptions will be granted.
  • Monday is the last day of class. No assignments will be accepted after class on Monday.
  • Your final grade will be posted by Tuesday at noon. An 89.4 is a B+.  An 89.5 is rounded up to an A-.  Please do not contact me about rounding up your letter grade; it is what it is.
  • Fines will be issued Monday morning for any missing F451 books. This will delay your scheduling, so please turn in your books ASAP.

2. Working on the final steps of creating your mockumentary
  • If you are using Windows Movie Maker, you must take the final step of FINALIZING your film BEFORE you come to class on Friday. The icon will look different after the movie has been finalized.
  • If you are using wevideo, make sure your video is finalized/published also.
  • With either program, I highly recommend publishing your film to youtube to avoid any technical difficulties.  It is your responsibility to make sure that your film will play on the class computer before you show it in class.
  • Quick audio tip: Make sure you have exported your narration as an MP3 before you attempt to add it to your film.

1.  Finish your mockumentary and SHARE THE URL WITH ME BEFORE CLASS TOMORROW. I highly recommend having your film in two different forms (ex: burn it to a DVD AND publish it to youtube).

2. Book club websites (including all daily activities) due by 5:00 pm tonight.

3. Final mockumentaries due at the beginning of class tomorrow.  NO extensions will be granted for any reason. It is your responsibility to make sure your film works properly before trying to show it to the class.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: May 15, 2013

Focus: Creating your mockumentary film

If you revised your synthesis essay, please turn it in now. Make sure you have followed the revision policy.

1. Warm-up: Assessing a sample student mockumentary using the rubric I handed out Monday

2. Working on the final steps of creating your mockumentary

  • If you are using Windows Movie Maker, you must take the final step of FINALIZING your film BEFORE you come to class on Friday. The icon will look different after the movie has been finalized.
  • If you are using wevideo, make sure your video is finalized/published also.
  • With either program, I highly recommend publishing your film to youtube to avoid any technical difficulties.  It is your responsibility to make sure that your film will play on the class computer before you show it in class.
  • Quick audio tip: Make sure you have exported your narration as an MP3 before you attempt to add it to your film.

1.  Continue working on your mockumentary (only one work day left after today). We do NOT have the computer lab tomorrow, but we will have a mockumentary work day in our regular classroom.

2. Book club websites (including all daily activities) due by 5:00 pm on Thursday, May 16.

3. Final mockumentaries due at the beginning of class Friday, May 17.  NO extensions will be granted for any reason.

Monday, May 13, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: May 14, 2014

Focus: Synthesizing the book and the film

1. Warm-up: Perusing the book-film club website rubric (distributed in class)

2. Understanding the final task of your book clubs: Synthesizing the book and film

3. Finishing your theme activity and completing your book-film synthesis

1. Bring music, your recorded narration, and anything else you need to class on Wednesday to work on your mockumentary.

2. Synthesis essay revisions due TOMORROW, Wednesday, May 15.  Please highlight all changes on the new draft, type a brief explanation of the changes you made and why they strengthened your essay, and staple everything to your original draft and rubric with my comments.  Revisions will not be accepted unless you follow the revision policy.

3. Book club websites (including all daily activities) due by 5:00 pm on Thursday, May 16.

4. Final mockumentaries due at the beginning of class Friday, May 17.  NO extensions will be granted for any reason.

All Boys, All Blogged: May 13, 2013

Focus: Assembling and polishing your mockumentary

1. Warm-up: Grades, grades, grades...all you wanted to know and more

2. Working on your mockumentaries (only two work days left after today)

1. Bring music, your recorded narration, and anything else you need to class on Wednesday to work on your mockumentary.

2. Finish your book and watch the film version of your book by TOMORROW, which will be your final book club day.

3. Synthesis essay revisions due Wednesday, May 15.  Please highlight all changes on the new draft, type a brief explanation of the changes you made and why they strengthened your essay, and staple everything to your original draft and rubric with my comments.  Revisions will not be accepted unless you follow the revision policy.

4. Book club websites (including all daily activities) due by 5:00 pm on Thursday, May 16.

5. Final mockumentaries due at the beginning of class Friday, May 17.  NO extensions will be granted for any reason.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: May 10, 2013

Focus: Assembling your mockumentary film

1. Warm-up: A very important weekend reminder

2. Offering a few tips:

When recording your narration, try narrating into a program on your computer, such as Audacity, and then uploading this to wevideo.

When bringing music into your video, please keep in mind the following:

  • iTunes will not share music with your film application...not now, not ever.
  • The trick is to convert your music into MP3 form.
  • Try burning your music onto a CD and bringing it to class.  When you insert the CD, a window will pop up asking what you want to do.  Select "Rip music using Windows Media Player," and this should save your selected music as MP3s in your music folder.
  • You can also capture a Youtube music video and then use just the music without the video, but I'm not sure yet how this works with wevideo.
  • Other ideas?  Matt?
3. Working on assembling our mockumentary films

1. Bring music, your recorded narration, and anything else you need to class on Monday to work on your mockumentary.

2. Finish your book and watch the film version of your book by TUESDAY, which will be your final book club day.

3. Synthesis essay revisions due Wednesday, May 15.  Please highlight all changes on the new draft, type a brief explanation of the changes you made and why they strengthened your essay, and staple everything to your original draft and rubric with my comments.  Revisions will not be accepted unless you follow the revision policy.

4. Book club websites (including all daily activities) due by 5:00 pm on Thursday, May 16.

5. Final mockumentaries due at the beginning of class Friday, May 17.  NO extensions will be granted for any reason.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: May 9, 2013

Focus: Analyzing motifs and themes in your book club books

1. Warm-up: Taking the single gender survey! Please click HERE to access the survey.

2. Reading your book club books (you should be close to finished at this point)--20 minutes

3. Meeting with your book clubs to finish and publish your motif activity

4. Starting on your theme activity if time; click HERE for directions

1. Bring music, your recorded narration, and anything else you need to class tomorrow to work on your mockumentary.

2. Finish your book and watch the film version of your book by TUESDAY, which will be your final book club day.

3. Synthesis essay revisions due Wednesday, May 15.  Please highlight all changes on the new draft, type a brief explanation of the changes you made and why they strengthened your essay, and staple everything to your original draft and rubric with my comments.  Revisions will not be accepted unless you follow the revision policy.

4. Book club websites (including all daily activities) due by 5:00 pm on Thursday, May 16.

5. Final mockumentaries due at the beginning of class Friday, May 17.  NO extensions will be granted for any reason.

Monday, May 6, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: May 7, 2013

Focus: Analyzing motifs in your book-film clubs

1. Warm-up: Human minesweeper: Brainstorming concrete motifs vs. abstract motifs

2. Finishing your setting activities from last week if you have not done so (make sure it's published on your website)

3. Developing your motif activity (this one might take you a little longer) and publishing it on your website

1. Remember that MAP testing is tomorrow in the library computer lab.

2. Assigned book club reading for Thursday.

3. Synthesis essay revisions due Wednesday, May 15.  Please highlight all changes on the new draft, type a brief explanation of the changes you made and why they strengthened your essay, and staple everything to your original draft and rubric with my comments.  Revisions will not be accepted unless you follow the revision policy.

4. Book club websites (including all daily activities) due by 5:00 pm on Thursday, May 16.

5. Final mockumentaries due at the beginning of class Friday, May 17.  NO extensions will be granted for any reason.

Friday, May 3, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: May 6, 2013

Focus: Developing your mockumentaries

Please meet in our normal classroom today.

1. Warm-up: Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a sample student mockumentary

2. Enjoying a quick mini-lesson on one of the tricky technical aspects of the mockumentary: Music

  • iTunes will not share music with your film application...not now, not ever.
  • The trick is to convert your music into MP3 form.
  • Try burning your music onto a CD and bringing it to class.  When you insert the CD, a window will pop up asking what you want to do.  Select "Rip music using Windows Media Player," and this should save your selected music as MP3s in your music folder.
  • You can also capture a Youtube music video and then use just the music without the video, but I'm not sure yet how this works with wevideo.
  • Other ideas?  Matt?

3. Developing our mockumentary films

1. Assigned book club reading for tomorrow.

2. Continue working on your mockumentary, particularly the music and narration (only three in-class work days left).

3. Synthesis essay revisions due Wednesday, May 15.  Please highlight all changes on the new draft, type a brief explanation of the changes you made and why they strengthened your essay, and staple everything to your original draft and rubric with my comments.  Revisions will not be accepted unless you follow the revision policy.

4. Book club websites (including all daily activities) due by 5:00 pm on Thursday, May 16.

5. Final mockumentaries due at the beginning of class Friday, May 17.  NO extensions will be granted for any reason.

All Boys, All Blogged: May 3, 2013

Focus: Creating your mockumentary

1. Warm-up: Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a student mockumentary

2. Trying out

3. Creating your film (script, narration, and images)

NOTE: If you want to capture video today, please let me know right away so I can help you.

1. Assigned book club reading for Tuesday.
2. Only one and a half more weeks of mockumentary work time--get that script narrated if you haven't done so yet!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: May 2, 2013

Focus: Analyzing settings and motifs in your book-film club books

1. Warm-up: Offering you a few sample book-club sites to peruse

2. Finishing your website (if needed)

3. Working on and finishing your SETTING activity from yesterday; click HERE for directions.  Please publish your work on your website when you finish.

4. If time allows, starting your MOTIF activity; click HERE for directions

1. Finish your script and get it narrated (recorded).
2. Assigned book club reading for Tuesday.

All Boys, All Blogged: May 1, 2013

Focus: Analyzing SETTING with your book-film clubs

1. Warm-up: Wrapping up loose ends

Is your website finished, and have you published your expectations and your characterization activity?

2. Interpreting and discussing setting with your book-film clubs: Please click HERE for instructions.

3. Publishing your setting activity on your website

1. Assigned book club reading for TOMORROW.
2. Complete your script and narrate it by the end of the week.

Monday, April 29, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 30, 2013

Please meet in the C-22 computer lab today.

Focus: Starting to create your film!

1. Warm-up: Meet Windows Movie Maker!

Can you...

  • Import an image?
  • Create a text slide
  • Import a video?
  • Import music?
  • Layer narration, music, and images?

2. Finishing your script and making a plan for recording it

3. Starting to gather images and create text slides for your mockumentary



1. Assigned book club reading.
2. Finish your script and get it recorded by this Friday.

Friday, April 26, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 29, 2013

Focus: Developing your mockumentary script and your book club website

Class, Part I

1. Warm-up: Listening to an opening clip from a "real" documentary
What do you notice about the script itself (powerful words and phrases)?
How does the script turn this into a movie about us? In other words, how does it capture human interest?
What ideas can you steal for your mockumentary?

2. Developing the script for your mockumentary

Brief Intermission

Class, Part II

3. Creating websites for your book clubs

Two possible web applications for your website: and Google sites

Criteria for your website:
Remember that this website will be how you share all of your book club work with me.  Your website grade will be your culminating grade for this unit.

    First names of group members (no last names, please).
    Title and author of book club book

You will need separate links/pages within your website for the following items:

1. Statement of purpose: Who are you, and why are you creating this site?
2. Group expectations (created last week)
3. Characterization activity (description of assignment and link to it and the product you created, whether it was a series of brains or a discussion)
4. Setting activity
5. Motif activity
6. Theme activity
7. Book-film comparison

Please e-mail your website link before the end of class.

1. Assigned book club reading
2. Your big,big task of the week: Finish your script and record your narration by Friday.

All Boys, All Blogged: April 26, 2013

Focus: Developing the script for your mockumentary

Class ends at 8:11 am today (spring assembly).

1. Warm-up: Listening to an opening clip from a "real" documentary

What do you notice about the script itself (powerful words and phrases)?
How does the script turn this into a movie about us? In other words, how does it capture human interest?
What ideas can you steal for your mockumentary?

2. Offering a few thoughts about the script:
It should have a powerful opening and closing.
It needs smooth transitions between years/events.
This is a great place to show off your creative voice; choose your words carefully.
You need to have it written out EXACTLY as it will be narrated.

3. Time to finish your timeline and work on your script.

1. Finish your timeline before tomorrow morning and make sure it's shared with me.
2. Continue working on your script.
3. Assigned book club reading.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 25, 2013

Focus: Transforming your timeline into a script

1. Warm-up: Listening to the openings from two "real" mock/documentaries:

Example #1: Remember Epic?
Example #2: Supersize Me

Your task: As you listen, describe the opening of each script, typing up powerful words, phrases, and tactics.

2. Finishing your timeline (please be sure to share it with me)

3. Composing a rough draft of your script with a focus on your script's opening

I will walk around and show you the grades you have been receiving so far on your 
mockumentary preparation work.

1. Timeline must be finished and shared with me before the weekend.

2. Assigned book film club reading.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 24, 2013

Focus: Exploring characterization in your book-film clubs

1. Warm-up: Thinking about your most memorable characters

2. Quickly overviewing your daily group focus grade (see handout)

3. Meeting with your book clubs to discuss CHARACTERS!

a. Click HERE  for Option #1

b. Click HERE for Option #2

(Feel free to mix and match Options 1 and 2)

4. If time allows, start setting up a website for your book club and e-mail me the address.

1. Assigned book club reading
2. Continue working on your mockumentary timeline (due before the weekend).

Monday, April 22, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 23, 2013

ACT: Class Ends at 11:53 Today

Focus: Diving into your book film club books

1. Warm-up: Quickly finishing our reading calendars

TURN IN SIGNED PROPOSALS (or grab A Separate Peace and start reading)

2. Reading our books to prepare for tomorrow

Advice from my seniors on group work:

  • Don't be THAT guy.
  • Delegate the work and make sure each member knows what he's in charge of.
  • Try to fix it yourself before going to the teacher.

1. Assigned book club reading

2. Mockumentary timeline and script (Thursday and Friday will be work days)

Friday, April 19, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 22, 2013

Focus: Setting up expectations for book-film clubs

Please have out your signed book club proposals and book club books.

1. Warm-up: Final banned book presentations


2. Warm-up: What would you do if...

2. Establishing in-class and out-of-class expectations for your club; after receiving my approval, please print and sign them.

Outside of class:
Work Ethic: How much time should we spend on reading each night?  What do we need to do as we read?  What is our division of labor (writing prompts, discussion questions, activities)?

Accountability: What happens of some members of our group drop the ball?  Forget their book?  Don’t finish the assigned reading?  How do we prevent ugly situations?  How do we enforce the expectations?
In class:
Work Ethic: What are our expectations for discussion? How do we plan to spend class time?

Accountability: What happens if two of us (or all of us) starting losing our focus?  What happens if the bell rings and we haven’t accomplished everything we were supposed to do?

3. Setting up your reading calendar for the next three weeks (see Google calendar)

4. Creating your Google site and/or wikispace and/or other website for your book club

1. Assigned book club reading for Wednesday; BRING YOUR BOOK TOMORROW FOR READING TIME.

2. Please be here by 11:25 tomorrow and bring your banned book; you will have a banned book reading day.  If you do not have your signed proposal by tomorrow,  you will be reading A Separate Peace (a school-approved book) for the entire book film club unit.

3. Continue working on your timeline and script for your mockumentary.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 19, 2013

Focus: Planning your schedule for next year (and beyond...)

1. Meet in the Forum, and be prepared to take notes and ask questions.

2. If time allows, return to the classroom to work on schedules and set up reading schedules.

3. Be sure to turn in your essay during class time this morning.

1. Bring your book-film club book and your signed proposal to class on Monday.
2. Talk to your parents about the classes you plan to take next year.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 18, 2013

Focus: Combining your ability to invent with your ability analyze history

1. A quick warm-up: Which projection into the future is stronger and why?

Projection #1: In the year 2021, Apple releases a new version of iPod that is smaller, comes in various colors and patterns, and can be worn as jewelry.

Projection #2: In the year 2021, Apple releases iChip 1, an iPod that measures one millimeter by one millimeter and can be implanted directly into the tympanic cavity of the ear.  Although the iChip has to be surgically implanted, it is an outpatient procedure costing less than a typical professional teeth whitening session. Many recipients of the iChip 1, however, complain about the inability to turn the iChip off, finding themselves tormented by constant noise and unable to think or concentrate.

2. A few reminders:

  • Look at yesterday's essay checklist before turning in your essay.
  • Please get your parent's signatures on your proposals by tomorrow so that we can get started!
  • Go directly to the Forum tomorrow; be prepared to take notes and ask questions.
  • Final banned book presentations will take place this Monday, April 22.

3. Working on your mockumentaries: Finishing your timeline and starting your script

Finishing your timeline should be your big goal of the day since we will not be working on your mockumentary tomorrow, and you will have only two workdays next week.

2. Bring your book-film club books to class tomorrow.
3. Get your parents' signatures on your proposals ASAP.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 17, 2013

Focus: Analyzing your trend and projecting its future

1. Turning in early bird essays?  Who's with me?

Before you turn it in, please check the following:

  • Is it clean (i.e. free of peer editing comments, brainstorming, etc.)?
  • Is it double spaced?
  • Is it in 12-point font?
  • Does it have an original title?
  • Does it have a proper MLA heading?
  • Are your citations correct?
  • Are the titles of Fahrenheit 451 and The Truman Show italicized?

2. Announcement: We will be meeting in the Forum this Friday, April 19 to receive important scheduling information from the counselors.

This means that all remaining presentations will be pushed back to Monday, April 22.

3. Working on your mockumentaries with the goal of finishing your timeline today

1. Finish your timeline and share it with me if you did not finish in class.
2. Purchase your book-film club book by this Friday and bring it with you.

Monday, April 15, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 16, 2013

Focus: Laying the foundation for your mockumentaries

1. Warm-up: Checking in with Ms. Leclaire

2. Working on the early steps of the mockumentary:

  • Past due: How/why charts
  • Due immediately: Research (5 article minimum; remember to annotate)
  • Upcoming: The timeline and script!

1. Tomorrow is the early bird deadline for your essay.  Please e-mail me or stop in if you need help with any part of your essay.

2. Make sure your how/why chart and research are shared with me ASAP.  Continue working on your timeline.

3. Purchase (or check out from the library) your book film club book by Friday.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 15, 2013

Focus: Making final revisions to your synthesis essays

Say hello to Mrs. Makovsky!

1. Warm-up: Reviewing the rubric (feel to ask Mrs. Makosvsky or e-mail your questions to me)

2. Editing TWO peer essays using the rubric:
  • Once you have figured out who is editing which essay, it should be QUIET in the classroom so that everyone may concentrate.  You may listen to music using headphones if you wish.
  • You should leave your feedback directly on the Google doc so that I can see it.

  • You need to comment on every single item on the rubric; this is why good editing takes a while (you should be spending at least 20 minutes on each essay).

3. Revising your essay based on peer feedback

1. Finish revising your essay.  Remember that WEDNESDAY is the early bird deadline, and FRIDAY is the final deadline.

2. Purchase your book-film club book by this Friday.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 12, 2013

Focus: Laying the groundwork for your mockumentaries

Say hello to Mrs. Boldman!  Get some good work done on your mockumentaries today, and enjoy!

1. Completing your how-why chart; please see blue packet for the example and follow it closely.  Share it with me via Google docs when you finish it (label it, "How/Why Chart" and make sure it has an MLA heading).

2. Starting on your research; remember that you need at least FIVE articles, and you must annotate them.  Again, see blue packet for an example.  When you finish researching and annotating, please share it with me via Google docs (label it, "Annotated Research," and give it an MLA heading).

1. Please finish your how/why chart AND annotated research by Tuesday at the latest.

2. Work on your synthesis essay rough draft; make as many revisions as you can before Monday so that it's in its very, very best shape for the final day of editing.

3. Purchase your book film club book by next Friday, April 19.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 11, 2013

Focus: Introducing yourself to the mockumentary

Please make sure your complete rough draft has been shared with me at the following address:

1. Collecting book-film club proposals and taking a quick glimpse at the rest of the semester

2. Enjoying a few sample mockumentaries from years past and perusing the overview

3. Brainstorming topics and forming your how/why chart

4. Making a plan for Friday and Monday

1. Continue today's mockumentary work; by the end of Friday, please complete your how/why chart and at least half of your annotated research.

2. Monday will be the last day of editing for your comparative essays; make sure your rough draft is carefully proofread and is in its very best shape before Monday.  Have an adult (or a very smart friends) proofread it.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 10, 2013

Focus: Editing, revising, and drafting your body paragraphs


  • The make-up day for presentations will be one week from this Friday, on Friday, April 19.
  • Make sure your outlines and rough drafts are shared with me.  If they're not, I am assuming you have not done them.  Please keep them together on a single document.
  • Complete rough drafts are due tomorrow, and they are worth 50 points.  Late work will be penalized 10 points a day, and it is your responsibility to make sure your rough draft is shared with me on time.
  • Please see my feedback on your essays so far. 

1. Warm-up: Introduction to conclusions

Sample conclusion from first semester:

The call can leave a hero asking himself what he can do, and accepting that call can lead to trials that he wasn’t ready for. The hero must accept the call and go through the trials that face him. Amir from The Kite Runner and Batman from the Batman Begins have both become heroes; in the end Amir saves Sorhab from a life of abuse, and Amir learns something about himself in the process. Batman saves Gotham by stopping Raz Agouls’ ultimate scheme and freeing the people of Gotham from certain death. These heroes both accept the call, and rise to the trials they face ahead. That is why these are the two most important parts of a hero’s journey,as a hero is made not in a day but instead through a lifetime of choosing the right path, no matter how treacherous that path may be.

2. Who needs to edit, who needs to revise, and who needs to draft (and who needs to do all three)?  Quiet time for getting your drafts into excellent shape for tomorrow

1. Complete rough draft is due tomorrow.
2. Book proposals are also due.

Friday, April 5, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 8, 2013

Focus: Editing the introduction and first body paragraph

1. Warm-up: Quick deconstruction of the introduction

2. Peer editing each other's introductions

Does the opening sentence grab your attention WITHOUT asking a question?

Does the middle of the introduction introduce the book and film?  Does it give enough information?  Does it give too much?

Does the introduction transition smoothly into the thesis statement?

Is the thesis the very last sentence of the introduction?

3. Quick deconstruction of the body paragraph; peer editing each other's body paragraphs (see PPT)

4. Taking to time to make revisions to your introduction and body paragraph; start composing your second body paragraph

1. Edited introduction, edited first body paragraph, and rough second body paragarph are due WEDNESDAY.
2. Complete rough draft (edited introduction, 1st body paragraph, 2nd body paragraph, and rough conclusion) is due THURSDAY.
3. Book-film club proposal (green sheet) is due THURSDAY; remember that you do not yet need your parent's signature on this.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 5, 2013

Focus: To ban or not to ban...that is the question

1. Warm-up: Quickly exploring and breaking down the introduction and first body paragraph

2. Finishing our banned book persuasive speeches

A few reminders:
a. You need to turn in ONE of your filled out purple rubrics to me for a listening grade if you have not done so.
b. You should give the remaining purple rubrics directly to the presenters.
c. You are in charge of warm fuzzies only; in other words, tell the presenter specifically what he did well and leave the criticism to me.

1.  All make-up work needs to be submitted to me by the end of the day.  If you have already e-mailed me but I have rudely ignored you, don't worry; I will change your grade this weekend.

2. INTRODUCTION AND FIRST BODY PARAGRAPH ARE DUE MONDAY. You need to finish your outline before you start drafting these.  Make sure your thesis statement, topic sentences, outline (if it's typed), and paragraphs are together on a single document that has been shared with me.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 4, 2013

Focus: Turning your outline into a rough draft

1. Warm-up: Which quote is better?  Finding the right match for YOU!

Pretend this is the topic sentence of your first body paragraph (thanks, Adam):

Both Sylvia and Clarisse help show the main characters that there is a different way to life by telling them what is not the right way of living.

Which example from The Truman Show would work better for this paragraph?

*When Truman holds the slicer/dicer/can opener up to Meryl's throat
*When Sylvia and Truman run down the hill and stand right by the ocean

Gold star: What could you analyze in this example?

Which quotation from F451 would work better for this paragraph?

*When Clarisse asks Montag, "Are you happy?" (Bradbury 10)

*When Montag broods over Clarisse's question, thinking to himself, "Of course I'm happy. What does she think? I'm not? he asked the quiet rooms. He stood looking up at the ventilator grille in the hall and suddenly remembered that something lay hidden behind the grille, something that seemed to peer down at him now" (Bradbury 10).

Gold star: What could you analyze in this example?

2. Finishing your outline if you have not finished it yet

I will start checking them off today, and I will continue to give you feedback via Google docs (or a good ole fashioned conversation).

3. Drafting your introduction and first body paragraph

Please see the sample introduction and first body paragraph at the bottom of this post (it was written by one of you last semester!).

1. Final round of persuasive speeches tomorrow
2. Tomorrow is the end of 12 weeks; make sure you have submitted all make-up work.
3. A COMPLETE rough draft of your introduction and first body paragraph are due Monday.  If you didn't have your outline done in class today, I will be checking those as well.

Sample introduction and first body paragraph from last semester:

A hero is not made in a day. Instead, it is a lifelong struggle. Heroes define themselves by their actions. They accept the call to action and go through the most difficult trials to train and prepare themselves for the difficulties they will face. A powerful hero, such as Amir from The Kite Runner, is one who accepts his call to adventure and faces many trials. Similarly, Bruce Wayne from The Batman Trilogy must bravely carry out his responsibility to save Gotham and endures battle after battle to do so. Both Amir from The Kite Runner and Bruce Wayne from The Batman Trilogy take these two significant steps, showing that compelling heroes will accept the call no matter what trials that they may face, known and unknown, because this is what defines their bravery.

Many people in their daily lives may be called to action, but whether one accepts or refuses the call will define one as a true hero; Amir and Batman are no exception to this. With the call to action, there often comes bad news or horrible events. Amir gets the call when he is told by Rahim Khan some news that he does not want to hear or even know. But after reconciling it in his head, he returns to Rahim Khan’s apartment. Amir reveals, “Then I told him I was going to Kabul. Told him to call the Caldwells in the morning” (Hosseni 227). Amir has to spend time reconciling in his head why it is worth going back to the land that has haunted his dreams. Although he doesn't understand why Rahim Khan refuses to just hire someone to go in and get the boy, Rahim Khan is a close family friend. Amir knows that his father would wish him to help. Also, Amir finally realizes that this is finally his call to be a true man by standing up for the friend he let down so many years ago. So he accepts the call, not knowing that he is now embarking on a journey to become a hero, a man who understands his place in the world. Batman’s call to action, however, is much different. Batman is called to action to fight crime when he is a child. A man with a gun threatens his parents and then shoots them both. This call just sits in the back of his head for many years. For years he thinks about how can he get back at the man that killed the people he loved. But that man is shot before he can do the job himself. The call is then re-ignited when he realizes that the League of Shadows, the ninja clan that has been training him, is corrupt. He burns down their domain, symbolizing that he is ridding himself of other's laws. The fire symbolizes the death of his former life but the birth and acceptance of his new life as a hero--as Batman. These two heroes are called to take action. They realize the importance and the devastating effects that would ensue if they refused the call. Answering the call is the only way to start the journey.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 3, 2013

Focus: Finish laying the groundwork for your synthesis essays

1. Warm-up: Save my topic sentences! I need two brave volunteers--one who feels pretty good about his topic sentences, and one who is in desperate need of help.

2. Continue editing your thesis and topic sentences

3. Working on your outlines

Remember that you can either type your outline or handwrite it in the orange packet; either way, be sure to follow the exact format of the orange packet so that you don't accidentally forget anything.

1. Finish your outline before the beginning of class tomorrow.
2. Remember that this Friday is the end of 12 weeks; please submit any make-up work before then.
3. The final persuasive essays are taking place this Friday.
4. Think about which book you will be reading for your book-film club; you'll be making a final decision over the weekend.

Monday, April 1, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 2, 2013

Focus: Laying the organizational groundwork for your essay

1. Warm-up: Introducing you to book clubs!  Overview, letter, and time to browse

2. Google sharing your thesis statements and getting peer feedback

Is it clear (well-worded and easy to understand)?
Is it specific (mentions specific characters, symbols, titles, and problems/solutions)?
Is it debatable (makes an argument instead of merely summarizing what happens)?
Is it provable (can be backed up by examples from both texts)?

3. Putting your thesis to work in your outline; composing topic sentences

1. Continue working on outline; completed outline is due this Thursday at the beginning of class.
2. Start thinking about which book you want to read for your book club.
3. Remember that all make-up work is due this Friday, April 5 (end of 12 weeks).
4. Final persuasive speeches this Friday.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: April 1, 2013

Focus: How do we close read a film, and what larger meanings can we take from The Truman Show?

1. Warm-up: Close reading two scenes from The Truman Show

Some close reading questions to jump start your thinking...

Why is Truman looking a mirror?
How are his drawing and speech symbolic?
How is this moment significant to the film as a whole?

What might the water (and the storm) symbolize?
What might the boat symbolize?
How does this scene reflect an important change in Truman?
What do you think is the most significant moment in this scene and why?
What does Christof represent?

Why do you think the writer of this film named the protagonist "Truman"?
Why do you think Bradbury named his protagonist "Guy"?

2. Impromptu fishbowl discussion of The Truman Show (15-20 min)

3. Composing a rough thesis that draws together The Truman Show and Fahrenheit 451

Some samples...

Character analysis:
Both Guy from F451 and Truman from The Truman Show share the heroic traits of ________ and _________, revealing that a true hero must ___________________________.

Both Clarisse from F451 and Sylvia from The Truman Show spark the main characters to realize ________________ and _______________, showing that _________________________.

Problem - Solution:
In both F451 and The Truman Show, the societies suffer from _________________, but they ultimately _______________________, revealing that _____________________________.

In both F451 and The Truman Show, the protagonists struggle to ____________________, but they eventually succeed in _________________________, revealing that _______________________.

The ____________ from F451 symbolizes _______________________, while the ___________ from The Truman Show represents _______________________, both symbols suggesting that _______________________________.

1. Form three different versions of a thesis statement using Google docs and share them with me by 10 pm tonight.
2. Bring F451 to class tomorrow so that you can start gathering quotations.
4. Remaining persuasive speeches are this Friday, April 5.

Helpful website for spelling the director's and the characters' names correctly:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: March 22, 2013

Focus: To what extent is our reality "real"?

1. Warm-up: F451 vocabulary quiz (15-20 minutes)

2. Watching the rest of The Truman Show and adding to your notes

3. If time allows, please respond to the following questions about the ending of the film, posting your thoughtful, detailed response on today's blog:

At the end of the film, Truman and Christof have the following dialogue:

Truman: Was nothing real?

Christof: You were real. That’s what made you so good to watch. Listen to me Truman. There is no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. Same lies. Same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear.

Do you agree with Christof when he says that there's nothing Truman can find in the real world that he can't find in Seahaven?  Is Christof a god of some kind?  What does Truman hope to find when he walks through the door?  Finally, when Truman takes his final bow, what is he really leaving behind?  (Feel free to respond to any or all of the above questions; just be sure to use the entire time given).

4. Please Google share your notes with me before you leave class today (

1. Please finish #3 on today's agenda if you did not finish in class.
2. Have a great spring break!  Keep all of your F451 annotations as we will be writing a synthesis essay on F451 and The Truman Show when you return from spring break.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: March 21, 2013

Focus: To what extent is our reality "real"?

1. Warm-up: Write three good sentences about The Truman Show so far, each using a different vocabulary word from your F451 list, words 1-15.

2. Viewing The Truman Show with a critical eye

3. Adding to your notes and discussing them

Prepare for tomorrow's vocabulary quiz, be gentlemen and scholars to Mrs. Makovsky, and have a wonderful spring break!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: March 20, 2013

Focus: To what extent is our reality "real"?

1. Warm-up: Reading a little background on Google glass, watching Google's advertisement, and considering a few questions:

What advantages does this technology offer us?
How might this technology possibly harm us as a society?  How could it be misued?
In your opinion, do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?  Would Bradbury agree with you?

2. Setting up your notes for The Truman Show and watching the trailer

a. Characters: Names, personality traits, clothes, things they say
b. Motifs/symbols: Specific objects that seem symbolic, what they might represent, and how they change throughout the film
c. Questions: Level 1, 2, and 3 questions; try to answer them at the end of the film
d. Connections to Fahrenheit 451: Be specific and original (these will form the backbone of your essay)

I will collect these notes on the last day of watching the film.

3. Entering The Truman Show

1. Study for Friday's vocabulary quiz over words 1-15.
2. Continue bringing your F451 annotations to class so I can check them.

Monday, March 18, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: March 19, 2013

Focus: What are our final thoughts on F451? What are the implications of its final pages?

1. Warm-up: Taking a reading quiz on Part 3 of Fahrenheit 451

2. Our final fishbowl discussion of the semester: F451, end of the novel

3. Final wrap-up

1. Start preparing for Friday's quiz on words 1-15 from your F451 vocabulary packet.
2. Make sure your annotations are complete for the entire novel and have them in class each day; I will be checking them as you watch The Truman Show this week (starting tomorrow).

Friday, March 15, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: March 18, 2013

Focus: Why do we ban books? Why do we censor song lyrics and internet access?  Are we headed in the same direction as the society Bradbury portrays in Fahrenheit 451?

1. Warm-up: Please respond to the question on the class blog (5-10 min)

2. Distributing vocabulary list

3. Presenting and listening to banned book persuasive speeches; remember that you need to turn in one rubric to me, and you give the other three rubrics to the presenters. Positive feedback only.

1. Tomorrow is the final F451 fishbowl discussion; please finish reading and annotating the book.  You will begin class with a brief reading quiz on page 139 to the end of the novel; if this score is better than last Tuesday's quiz, which I hope it is, then the new score will replace the old score.

2. This Friday you will have a vocabulary quiz over the first 15 words in your new vocabulary packet. If your brain is feeling tired and out to lunch, I would highly suggest making yourself flashcards by Wednesday.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: March 15, 2013

Focus: What warnings does Bradbury offer us about our present and future?

I will be checking annotations today.  Remember that if they're not ready to go before the bell rings, they are late and can only receive half credit at the most.

1. Some thoughts about your future...

2. Cooking up a recipe for F451: A creative (and delicious) approach to Bradbury's themes and motifs

3. Augmenting our vocabularies by learning Bradbury's: Learning some of the SAT vocabulary from F451

Announcement: Our final fishbowl discussion has been moved to Tuesday; persuasive speeches are still being held this Monday.

1. Prepare for Tuesday's final fishbowl by reading and annotating the rest of F451.  Remember that this will be our last fishbowl discussion of the year, so make it the best one.

2. The day of the final fishbowl on Tuesday, we will begin class with a brief reading quiz.  If you perform better on this quiz than you did on the last one, your new grade will replace your old one.

3. Prepare for your banned book persuasive speech on Monday.

Monday, March 11, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: March 12, 2013

Focus: What warning is Bradbury giving us about our present and our future?

Max's speech?

1. Proving to Ms. Leclaire that you're actually reading F451 by achieving excellence on your reading quiz!

2. Fishbowl Discussion: Pages 102 to 139 in F451.

HW: Bring F451 and your annotations through page 139 to class on Friday (there will be an annotation check).  Remember that late annotations can only receive a maximum of half credit--DON'T LET THAT BE YOU!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: March 11, 2013

Focus: Honing our speaking and listening skills

TCAP: Shortened Class

1. Warm-up: Assigning and explaining peer feedback for persuasive speeches

2. Delivering banned book presentations

Prepare for tomorrow's fishbowl by reading and annotating through page 139.  Use any extra time at the end of TCAP to read (there is a good chance you will have a reading quiz before fishbowl tomorrow).

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: March 7, 2013

Focus: How is Bradbury trying to persuade us to think carefully about our choices as a society?

1. Warm-up: A final piece of TCAP writing review

The prompt:  Recently, the Chicago public school system has been considering teaching sex education starting in kindergarten.  Write a letter to the Chicago school superintendent explaining whether or not you think this a good idea.

How would you approach this essay?

  • Compose a rough draft of an introduction that ends with a thesis that lays out your three main points. 
  • Then outline what each of those three body paragraphs would look like.  What specific examples could you bring into each body paragraph to prove your point?
  • Draft briefly how you would conclude this letter.

2. Fishbowl discussion: F451, pages 83-102

1. Work on your banned book persuasive speech (especially if you're going on Monday!)
2. Bring F451 to TCAP so that you can keep up with/get ahead on the reading.
3. Do your best on TCAP! Make me proud!

All Boys, All Blogged: March 6, 2013

Focus: What is the purpose of Bradbury's allusions in F451?

With the partner of your choice, you will be competing today for literary excellence!  The most accurate responses to the TCAP questions and the most thorough, thoughtful responses to the "Dover Beach" questions will earn you and your partner a treat from the Leclaire dessert/breakfast menu.

Directions: Please create a Google doc and give an MLA heading that includes both of your names.  Number and record your answers to the TCAP questions, then label your "Dover Beach" questions underneath.  Take your time and work carefully and slowly.  When you are finished, please print your responses.

1. Warm-up:  A little TCAP contest...with great rewards!

2. Cleverly unraveling the poem you're about to meet in F451: "Dover Beach"

a. Tell me the story of each stanza. In other words, put each stanza into your own words.

b. Tell me everything you know about the poem's speaker.

c. Find an important metaphor and explain it to me carefully (what is being compared to what and why?).

d. Find three images, each appealing to a different sense, and explain what they contribute to the poem.

e. Describe what you think is the poem's tone.  Defend your response with two details from the poem.

f. Identify what you see as an important shift in the poem, and explain the nature of the shift.

g. Find one important allusion in the poem.  Look up that allusion, and explain why the poem might make this particular allusion.  In other words, what does it contribute to the poem.

h. Explain one of the poem's motifs, supporting your response with two details from the poem.

i. Explore two sound devices in this poem and explain what larger idea they help reveal (ex: alliteration, assonance, rhyme, euphony, cacophony, etc.).

j. What do you think its the poem's theme?  In other words, what lesson is it trying to teach us?

k. Of all the poems in the entire world, why might Bradbury include this one in F451?  (You will be coming across it in tonight's reading).  In other words, how does this theme of this poem overlap with the ideas in F451?

l. Ask one good level 3 question that pertains to this poem.

1. Finish reading and annotating the assigned pages in F451 to prepare for tomorrow's fishbowl.
2. Please finish today's assignment if you did not finish in class.
3. Continue working on your banned book persuasive speech.

Monday, March 4, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: March 5, 2013

Focus: What does our future look like, according to Bradbury?

1. Warm-up: Overviewing the details of your persuasive banned book speech; signing up for presentation dates

2. Fishbowl Discussion: Fahrenheit 451, pages 63-80

1. Start preparing for Thursday's fishbowl discussion by reading and annotating.
2. Start composing your persuasive banned book speech.

Friday, March 1, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: March 4, 2013

Focus: How can we use different appeals to be persuasive?

Before we get started, please fill out an important Google form by clicking HERE.

1. Warm-up: Exploring a few definitions of ethos, logos, and pathos

2. Analyzing the use of ethos, logos, and pathos in four car commercials

3. Overviewing your banned book persuasive speech and how you will use the three appeals

4. If time, watching a professional (though sarcastic) persuasive speech and discussing how the speaker uses multiple appeals to make a strong claim

  • What is her claim?  In other words, what point is she trying to make?
  • Which details in her speech (images, phrases, word choices, etc.) appeal to ethos, logos, and pathos?

1. Prepare for tomorrow's fishbowl discussion on pages 63-80 by reading and annotating.

2. Start working on your persuasive banned book speech.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: March 1, 2013

Happy March, everybody!  Please have your annotations out and ready to be checked.

Focus: Why is it important to read?  What happens when we ban books?

1. Warm-up: Engaging in a little TCAP practice (will go in your Critical Reading category)

2. Reading your banned books with an eye out for two questions:

  • Which sections of your book help you understand why it was banned?
  • Which sections of your book make you think it's an important book for everyone to read?
3. Reflecting on your banned book

1. Start reading and annotating pages 63-80 for next Tuesday's fishbowl discussion.
2. Finish your banned book.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: February 28, 2013

Focus: What is Bradbury's vision of our future?  Do you agree?

1. Warm-up: Burned alive...the Kathy Change story

What did she dedicate her life to?
Why did she kill herself so publically?
Do you think her death accomplished anything?
How is she like or unlike Montag? Clarisse?  The woman who burned with her books?

2. Fishbowl #3: Fahrenheit 451, pages 41-63

1. Read your banned book and bring it to class tomorrow.
2. WE WILL HAVE AN ANNOTATION CHECK TOMORROW; make sure you have all annotations through page 63 ready to go and in class tomorrow.  Any late annotations will receive a maximum of half credit.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: February 27, 2013

Focus: What does the society in F451 look like?  How does it compare to our society?

1. Warm-up: Responding to the initial survey, but in character (Montag, Mildred, Clarisse, or Beatty)

History books are accurate.
Television news is accurate.
Watching T.V. is bad.
T.V. programs are realistic.
“Reality T.V.” is real.
People must be treated equally.
The government should always try to make people happy.
People should always obey the government.
Technology plays a positive role in our lives.

2. Thinking about how accurate Bradbury has been so far in predicting the future
Small Group Directions: 
a. Type a few sentences of explanation of the role your motif has played in F451 so far. In other words, how is it described and why?
b. Find at least one quotation from the book and include it in your explanation.  Please cite it MLA style.
c. Argue whether or not you think our society is similar to the society in F451 in terms of this particular motif.  In other words, has Bradbury's prediction come true?
d. Find one piece of contemporary "evidence" to support your claim (for example, a commercial, a video, a website, an article, etc).
e. Give your document an MLA heading, proofread it, print it, and turn it in!

Here are the motifs (choose ONE):
T.V. (the "parlour walls")
The "seashells" (the earpieces they're always listening to)
Teenage violence
Dangerously fast-faced society

1. Complete your reading and annotating assignment for tomorrow's fishbowl discussion.
2. Bring your banned book to school on Friday.
3. Finish today's activity if you did not finish in class.

Monday, February 25, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: February 26, 2013

Focus: What problems exist in F451's society, and how did they arise?

Please turn in your revisions as you walk in.  Make sure you have followed the revision policy; otherwise, your revision will not be graded.

1. Warm-up: Give me your toughest passages! Close reading a few of Bradbury's challenging pages

2. Fishbowl discussion #2: F451, pages 28-40

3. Debriefing today's discussion with the outer and inner circles

1. Start on your reading assignment for Thursday's fishbowl discussion.  Bring your annotations for the first two reading assignments to class tomorrow.

2. Read your banned book and bring it to class on Friday.

Friday, February 22, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: February 25, 2013

Focus: What's going on the minds of Bradbury's characters? Are our minds like theirs?

1. Warm-up: Diagramming your brain

2. Visually analyzing the characters in Fahrenheit 451 through brain diagrams (Ms. Leclaire will be checking your annotations during this time)

3. Engaging in a little Q&A: Which parts of the first reading assignment confused you?  Help a brother out.

4. Starting the next reading assignment together

1. Prepare for tomorrow's fishbowl by reading through page 40 and using your orange sheet to compose 5-10 good discussion questions.

2. If you received a 39 or below on your timed writing, your rewrite is due tomorrow.  Remember to follow the revision policy: Highlight your changes in two colors, type a paragraph of explanation of your revisions, and attach everything to the original draft with the rubric.

3. You need to finish your banned book within the next week; I will give you class time on Friday and an extra weekend since I haven't given you any class time yet to read, but that's it.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: February 22, 2013

Focus: According to Ray Bradbury, what does our future look like?

1. Taking a short, enjoyable, and informative quiz on adjectives

2. Warm-up: Reacquainting yourself with fishbowl do's and don't

3. F451 Fishbowl #1: Pages 1-28

1. You have exactly one week to finish your banned book.

2. Start preparing for Tuesday's fishbowl discussion by reading through page 40; remember that you need 5-10 annotations (use your orange question sheet for help) per reading assignment.

3. If you received a 39 or below on your timed writing, your rewrite is due Tuesday.  Remember to follow the revision policy: Highlight your changes in two colors, type a paragraph of explanation of your revisions, and attach everything to the original draft with the rubric.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: February 21, 2013

Focus: What does our future look like?

1. Warm-up: Quickly reviewing adjectives

YES OR NO: Is it an adjective?

The orange kitten scratched my husband's face.

My homework is difficult tonight.

I am a teacher.

I am an interesting teacher.

I skied quickly down the steep slope.

Identify all of the adjectives in the following sentence:

I hope that my large, first hour English 10 class will consider joining Link Crew because they are energetic, smart, and driven.

2. Exploring your thoughts on censorship: Agree, disagree, unsure

3. Reviewing fishbowl expectations and signing up for leader and discusser dates

4. Diving into the world of F451 together with your orange question sheets

1. Finish reading and annotating through page 28 in F451 for tomorrow's fishbowl discussion (annotate by writing 5-10 questions using the orange question sheet).

2. Prepare for tomorrow's very brief, open-note quiz on adjectives.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: February 20, 2013

Focus: What does our future look like?

1. Warm up: Participating in a survey about the future of our society by clicking HERE

2. Engaging in an impromptu fishbowl discussion of "Harrison Bergeron" (30 minutes); review fishbowl expectations

3. Giving out F451 books, signing up for fishbowl discussions, and if time, starting the first few pages together

1. Bring your completed adjective packet to class tomorrow for a quick review (QUIZ on adjectives this Friday).

2. Start reading and annotating F451; using your "How To Ask Great Questions" bookmark for guidance, annotate by asking 5-10 great questions per reading assignment.  You can write in your book if you own it, use sticky notes, or keep a reading journal.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: February 19, 2013

Focus: What does our future look like?

Ever wonder who's really grading all of your essays?

Here he is grading the good essays...

And here he is grading the not-so-good essays...

He says he apologizes for the slow turn-around time, but he is still trying to learn the alphabet.  English is tricky!

1. Warm-up: Viewing an "epic" vision of the future

What does our future look like, according to this video?
What aspects of our 2013 society are being highlighted in this video?
What aspects of our society are being subtly criticized in this video?

2. Participating in a survey about the future of our society by clicking HERE

3. Reading and questioning "Harrison Bergeron" together

  • On each page, ask at least three questions (these should be Level 1 and Level 2 questions).
  • Try to make one or two solid connections to the video you watched today, to the survey, or to our society.
  • At the end of the story, pose at least one good Level 3 question.

1. Finish reading and questioning "Harrison Bergeron." If you were absent from class today, click HERE for a copy of the story.
2. Respond to the class blog tonight.
3. Bring your completed grammar packet to class on Thursday (quiz on adjectives this Friday).