Tuesday, February 19, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: February 20, 2013

Focus: What does our future look like?

1. Warm up: Participating in a survey about the future of our society by clicking HERE

2. Engaging in an impromptu fishbowl discussion of "Harrison Bergeron" (30 minutes); review fishbowl expectations

3. Giving out F451 books, signing up for fishbowl discussions, and if time, starting the first few pages together

1. Bring your completed adjective packet to class tomorrow for a quick review (QUIZ on adjectives this Friday).

2. Start reading and annotating F451; using your "How To Ask Great Questions" bookmark for guidance, annotate by asking 5-10 great questions per reading assignment.  You can write in your book if you own it, use sticky notes, or keep a reading journal.


  1. Does the handicapper chief have handicaps?

  2. In "Harrison Bergeron", how did 30 amendments turn into 213? Wasn't it hard for Amendments to pass?

    1. I think that the economy was going down and everyone who is involved with passing amendments were in a financial disaster so they all passed these amendments to save themselves.

  3. Off of Austins question I believe America is already similar to Harrison Bergeron we are just to ignorant to see the suddle changes the government makes in society.

  4. I think that the goverment is trying to make everyone equal because they want to punish the people that tried their whole lives to be successful and make them equal to all the people that dont work and live off of welfare because they dont want to work.

  5. one question i have is why do you think Harrison Bergeron act the way he did? do you think that he did this to show the government that no matter how hard they try they will not handicapp and make him eqaul to every body else

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. If everyone is equal then what is the purpose of government because that sets them above everyone else.

  8. What compelled the author to want to write this?

  9. why do you think the Handicapper general doesnt have any handicaps?

  10. To max's question I believe if we had no currency we would be better off like trading services or items for what you need.

  11. Mrs. Leclaire told us that this story was written during the 1960s. During the 1960s, communism was a big deal and was scary to lots of people. I think this story is an over exaggeration of what communism can become. Just like the handicaps, communism holds people back, but in different ways. No matter what someones skills are, they receive the same amount of stuff. In the story when it says, "Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to keep people like George from taking unfair advantage of their brains." This is also comparable to communism because in communism if you strive to be different or better, you will be punished or even killed.

  12. what do you think made the author write this story?

  13. if every one is equal then how are there people that control the normal people because they cant be the same if they control all the others around them and also in the prisons there are people that think harder so technically they aren't the same so it really never could be all people that are equal

  14. When communism comes into play why does the author want to think about a life like this? what is he trying to imply?

  15. Why would the author even want to pick this subject to write about?

  16. Is this story implying that the U.S. is headed for a pro communism regime?
    -Matt Myers.

  17. How does the handicap general know how much every one thinks? because everyone thinks all the time. Does it just go off every 20 seconds?

    1. I think the the sound just happens every twenty seconds or the government has some how found a way to watch the things every one is thinking about.

  18. I agree with Austin that people work their whole life to earn what they have and I feel its not right to tax them more and give that money to someone who just slacks and doesn't do anything with his/her life except live off the welfare. I feel that the welfare system is a good thing but I feel that too many people take advantage of it. So taxing the 1% is not a good idea. I feel that if we don't tax them then the rich will want to spend more and when the rich spend more then the middle and lower class also benefit from it because they are getting money from the rich spending and overall it helps the economy greatly. But if we take money away from the rich then they are going to not spend and conserve their money.

  19. Max says that we do not need censor ship to live but isn't America already censored from the rest of the world anyways the amount of poverty and wars that are going on right now we do not even know about because simile minded America news casters don't find it relevant to the American people therefore it won't be on the news all they care about is getting there pay check and going home.

  20. In the 1960's Communism was a big threat, and now the authors are writing about how we are gong to convert to communism. Why do they want this to happen. Or what is this resembling?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. At what point is it okay to break the law?

  23. Is everyone in the world under one government and all have handicaps?

  24. i like max's example from The matrix, i think it was good how he took the red pill and became dangerous and taking action and going against the law. but if he took the blue one he would have stayed and done everything just like everyone else

  25. The first line of the story says "The year was 2081, and everyone was finally equal." Does this imply that people are generally happy about not being able to change?
