Friday, March 15, 2013

All Boys, All Blogged: March 18, 2013

Focus: Why do we ban books? Why do we censor song lyrics and internet access?  Are we headed in the same direction as the society Bradbury portrays in Fahrenheit 451?

1. Warm-up: Please respond to the question on the class blog (5-10 min)

2. Distributing vocabulary list

3. Presenting and listening to banned book persuasive speeches; remember that you need to turn in one rubric to me, and you give the other three rubrics to the presenters. Positive feedback only.

1. Tomorrow is the final F451 fishbowl discussion; please finish reading and annotating the book.  You will begin class with a brief reading quiz on page 139 to the end of the novel; if this score is better than last Tuesday's quiz, which I hope it is, then the new score will replace the old score.

2. This Friday you will have a vocabulary quiz over the first 15 words in your new vocabulary packet. If your brain is feeling tired and out to lunch, I would highly suggest making yourself flashcards by Wednesday.


  1. I think that we ban books because sometimes, the book deals with subjects that are a bit touchy and/or they have many subjects that aren't socially acceptable. Songs and Internet access are censored because we are trying to save a children's mind, but they can't be innocent forever. I really don't think that our society will never be to the point of F451 because that society is insane, and we have more control than that.

  2. @Leclaire
    I believe we are banning books and censoring more things because in today's world everyone is trying to be protective of their children. It's become more of an issue over time because now guns are available, violent movies/tv shows, etc. I think we are not headed into the same path as Fahrenheit 451 because i know that the majority of the American people will fight back as a natural instinct.
    -Matt Myers.

  3. We ban books because it can negatively affect opinions of young devoloping children or sway the opinions of older people who have more power. The same goes for internet and song lyrics. I don't think we are headed the same way as Fahrenheit 451 because people will see these 'disturbing' things no matter if it is banned or not. Some people are mature enough for it and some are not.

  4. I think that we ban books because we don't want people to get thoughts from books that are bad, If something happens in a book a person might think its okay to do in normal society. We censor songs and the internet because there are a lot of bad things in those are we are trying to protect today's youth from those bad things.

  5. We ban books that make us feel uncomfortable while reading or if we feel that what has been written is absalutly sick and wrong. We censor song lyrics and other things to prevent people from taking your ideas and turning them into something else. I don't believe that we are heading in the same direction but we certainly are heading nowhere good...

  6. I say that be ban books for anything that people don't believe in like for religion, racism, government Ect. People sensor song lyrics and internet restriction because all the people that can listen and see it, like little kids, parents don't want their children to learn bad word on the the radio or bad things on the internet. Though we might be heading in the same direction as Fahrenheit 451, their will be some of those people who love book and and fight for the right to keep it.

  7. I believe that we ban books and censor lyrics so that kids will not know what the bad things in life are. We censor things because kids should not know the f word or anything about the real world and just worry about their day in school. I do not think that we are headed in the same direction because people will always be able to find a copy of a book either on the internet or on a tablet device.

  8. I think we ban books because i think we can not accept that the things that are bad that are put in books are real life. Things we don't want to bring up or hear about so they try to get rid of it as much as posible. Song lyrics are censored for the same reason and cursing, but everyone hears a curse word or more than one every day. I think we are headed in the same direction mabe not to that extent but yes i think we are.

  9. I believe that the only reason that we ban books and censor song lyrics is to just simply not offend people. I believe that we are going in the same path as they are in the book because if we start making it where we will just get rid of certain things to not offend people than in the end we will completely do what they are doing in the book.

  10. We ban books because we don't want anyone to see violent, or racist or nudity. I think its mostly s that us teens don't get any ideas of killing people or maybe its because we don't want to bring back bad habits like racism. Other country's censor the news and internet because they don't want anyone to see that they are getting beat and there not that great of a country, that country wants its people to see that they are the best. I think that we are right now stuck in between a F451 society and a totally free society because things are being censored every day, but at the same time things are being uncensored (like you tube at school) so it balance's out for now at least.

  11. I think we ban books because we would like to maintain our youth's innocence. I do not think we are headed in the direction of F451 because even though the hard copy's of books and newspaper are going away it is because we are using more electronic copy's of everything.

  12. I feel that in a way we are in a similar path to that of F451 but if we do turn to them it will be awhile. Books arnt being banned for stupid reasons and some have even been unbanned. Currently books are only being banned for racism and inappropriate scenes or language. They have good reasons to ban books right now but I dont believe they should. We are headed down a similar road but may take a different path to get there.

  13. I think we ban books because they can be offensive or inappropriate for some audiences. The same goes for song lyrics, if you were to turn on the radio, most songs would be filled with bleeps or voice-overs to change the lyrics. I believe that we are slowly heading in the same direction as the society in F451. We ban books here and there because they offend people and we tell kids that they cannot read those books that might spark the imagination that will benefit our future. I do not completely agree with censorship because it holds back the progression of inovation.

  14. I think we ban books, censor song lyrics, and limit the Internet access because it is a way of protection of our society. I think we are slowly moving in the direction as F451 because this is how it starts out. Get rid of one book here then another there then the society starts banning more books that are not even that bad to read.

  15. We ban books because they are considered offensive or inappropriate to certain people and their views on the world. We censor song lyrics and internet access for a similar reasons because it is considered inappropriate for child to be listening to swear words on the radio and seeing things they shouldn't see while on the computer. I don't think we are headed in the same directions as described in Fahrenheit 451. We don't ban every book and books aren't always banned they become unbanned at some point. We can control ourselves and our views better than the people who got these books banned. People realize now that there are different opinions in the world and that they can't make everyone agree with them.

  16. We as a society ban books because it can sometimes be considered too rough or too raw for the public. But just because we ban them doesn't mean that we don't have access to them, its out there somewhere weather it be on the internet or somewhere else, its out there. We censor lyrics because of the younger people that can get a hold of it and hear it and put bad influences on kids. I don't believe we are headed the way that Brandbury predicted because we are still a free country and I don't believe we will let it go that far.

  17. I think that it is in the human nature to censor certain things, including books movies and videos. Although many things are getting censored I don't believe that it will ever become as bad as in the book. The book is the extremes of censorship which I think would almost be impossible to copy. It todays society the public is not censored from many things, but they can be subject to censorship if they are using a company or goverment computer. So really the censorship only accures in a few select places, not censoring the whole public like in the book Fahrenheit 451.

  18. I feel like we ban books in our modern era because of what is acceptable in the publics eye. We don't ban books because of context or explicit language anymore. But instead we ban books for bad and cruel messages and dark concepts that the authors are trying to get across to the readers. I don't think that the world will ever turn into anything like F451 because we have stable minds that can control ourselves from creating chaotic events.

  19. We ban books so that children do not read obscure things more mature than they can handle. We censor song lyrics because we are a nation of dignity and class so we have the common sense not to put wild things on the radio. We censor internet access in school so that LPS can't be sued by the parents of a student who has such lack of decency to look up inappropriate things on YouTube. No we are not heading in the same direction as the society in F451 because it is not realistic. That society is an exaggeration of how the author saw his country.

  20. I believe that we ban books and censor song lyrics and block Internet sites because if we were to let a kid around the age of 10 listen to songs with bad lyrics, or go onto the Internet and watch bad things, or they read a bad book describing rape or something of that nature, then it might demoralize or scare them when they find mature things on the Internet. It's not right for anyone who is not an adult to look at stuff on the Internet but they still do. or they think because they are sixteen and turning seventeen that it is ok to look at mature things. I believe that we are headed to the society that ray bradbury is describing in the book banning books and blocking the internet and censoring songs and yes we are slowly becoming mroe and more like the society in the book.

  21. We ban books because they contain things that are "dangerous" to our society. Some books contain ideals that are considered taboo and young people should not learn. The internet is censored because, like books, it contains things that we are not supposed to be looking at during school. They block the internet because it would decrease our productivity during class. I do not think that our society is headed towards that of Fahrenheit 451. While it is true that we are becoming increasingly fast paced, the government has not actually started banning things on a national scale. Books may be banned in schools, but people can probably still find that book on the internet or at a different library. Our society has shown that it does not respond to censorship well. An example is SOPA and PIPA. These were two laws that were going to be passed that would give the US Government partial control over what content is available on the internet. When SOPA and PIPA were being debated on whether or not to be passed, most of the large websites and millions of people protested it, showing that full censorship will not occur anytime soon.

  22. I think that we banned books because sometimes they cover topics that are disturbing
    and inappropriate for kids and they do not need to know about it at that time in their life. And i dont think we will get to the piont of 451.

  23. I think the reason why we banned book and censor song lyrics is because it's so much easier just giving in to crazy mothers and parents who try and censor there kid from the world they just try censor as much as they can when there at school maybe. Its just alot easier to give into censorship because it solve problems in a way we can't really fight. I think our society is already there when being compared to Fahrenheit 451 we have censorship all around us it may not be burning books but its just as similar if its banned books constant brain wash from television and governments that you can't decide weather there telling the truth or not and news covering stories that are all one sided.

  24. We ban books because we don't want kids reading bad things. We censor song lyrics because we don't want kids to hear bad words and use them. We censor internet at school because they want kids to not be distracted and look up inappropriate things. I don't think we are going in the direction of Fahrenheit 451, I think we are just trying to protect kids a lot.

  25. I think we ban books to keep certain ideas and content away from some audiences. Some people just aren't meant to see everything that is publicized . For example, we censor song lyrics on the radio because small children who listen to the radio might overhear vulgar words or content. I don't think that our society is moving in the same direction as F451 society. This is because we have free speech and would protest such a change in society.

  26. I think that we ban books because, if a book contains strong language or has really anything that could make a reader want to protest that the book should be banned and if the reasons for banning the book(s) are legitimate, then a book can very well be banned. I think that we use censorship to basically control what is heard, searched, or viewed by the general population, and if this continues I do believe that in the future our world could be just like the world in Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.

  27. In my opinion i think books are banned base don content that some people find offensive. such as if a book as rape in it. or if it has things that pertain specifically to a schools or parents or student situation. i do think on the path that we are specifically on, will get to the Fahrenheit 451 stage.
